tcld namespace command reference
The tcld namespace
commands enable NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more operations in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: n
- tcld namespace create
tcld namespace create
How to create information about a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace delete
tcld namespace delete
How to delete a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace get
tcld namespace get
How to get information about a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace list
tcld namespace list
How to list all Namespaces in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace accepted-client-ca
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca
How to manage the client CA certificates for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace certificate-filters
tcld namespace certificate-filters
How to manage certificate filters for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace search-attributes
tcld namespace search-attributes
How to manage Search Attributes of a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace retention
tcld namespace retention
How to manage the length of time a closed Workflow is preserved before deletion.
Learn more
The tcld namespace create
command creates a Temporal NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: c
tcld namespace create
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
The request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not set, the server assigns an identifier.
Alias: -r
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-file
is specified
A base64-encoded CA certificate.
If both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are specified, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -c
Required modifier
Specify the name of the Namespace to create.
Alias: -n
Required modifier
The region to create the Namespace in.
Valid options: ap-northeast-1
| ap-southeast-1
| ap-southeast-2
| ca-central-1
| eu-central-1
| eu-west-1
| eu-west-2
| us-east-1
| us-west-2
Alias: --re
The number of days that data about closed Workflow Executions will be retained (default: 30).
Alias: --rd
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate
is specified
A path to a CA certificate PEM file.
If both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are specified, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: --cf
Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-input
is specified
Path to a JSON file that defines the certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace. The specified filters replace any existing filters.
Sample JSON: { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }
If both --certificate-filter-file
and --certificate-filter-input
are specified, the command returns an error.
Alias: --cff
Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-file
is specified
A JSON string that defines the certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace. The specified filters replace any existing filters.
Sample JSON: { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }
If both --certificate-filter-input
and --certificate-filter-file
are specified, the command returns an error.
Alias: --cfi
Required modifier; can be specified more than once
A custom Search Attribute in the form _name_=_type_
Valid values for type: Bool
| Datetime
| Double
| Int
| Keyword
| Text
Alias: --sa
Can be specified more than once
A Namespace-level permission for a user in the form _email_=_permission_
Valid values for permission: Admin
| Write
| Read
Alias: -p
tcld namespace create --namespace <namespace_id> --region us-west-2 --retention-days 60 --certificate-filter-input '{"filters": [{"commonName": "test1"}]}' --user-namespace-permission "" --search-attribute "customer_id=Int" --search-attribute "customer_name=Text"
The tcld namespace delete
command deletes the specified NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: d
tcld namespace delete
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Required modifier
Specify the Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud to be deleted.
Alias: -n
The request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not set, the server assigns an identifier.
Alias: -r
A resource version (ETag) to update from. If not set, the CLI uses the latest.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace delete --namespace <namespace_id>
The tcld namespace get
command gets information about the specified NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: g
tcld namespace get
The following modifier controls the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace get --namespace <namespace_id>
The tcld namespace list
command lists all NamespacesWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: l
tcld namespace list
The command has no modifiers.
The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca
commands manage the client CA certificates of the specified NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud. The certificates are used to verify client connections.
Base64 versions of the CA certificate files are accepted by these commands.
Alias: ca
- tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add
How to add client CA certificates to a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list
How to list the client CA certificates for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set
How to set the client CA certificates for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove
How to remove client CA certificates from a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more
Do not use a CA certificate that is signed with an insecure signature algorithm, such as SHA-1. Such signatures will be rejected. Existing CA certificates that use SHA-1 can stop working without warning.
For more information about the vulnerabilities of SHA-1, see SHAttered.
The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add
command adds client CA certificates to a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --ca-certificate <value>
Alias: a
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --namespace <namespace_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --request-id <request_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --resource-version <etag> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-file
is specified
Specify a base64-encoded string of a CA certificate PEM file.
If both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are specified, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -c
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate
is specified
Specify a path to a CA certificate PEM file.
If both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are specified, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -f
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --ca-certificate-file <path>
The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list
command lists the client CA certificates that are currently configured for a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list
Alias: l
The following modifier controls the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list --namespace <namespace_id>
The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove
command removes client CA certificates from a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate <value>
Alias: r
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --namespace <namespace_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --request-id <request_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --resource-version <etag> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-fingerprint
or --ca-certificate-file
is specified
Specify the base64-encoded string of a CA certificate PEM file.
If --ca-certificate-fingerprint
is also specified, both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are ignored.
If --ca-certificate-file
is also specified but --ca-certificate-fingerprint
is not, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -c
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-fingerprint
or --ca-certificate
is specified
Specify a path to a CA certificate PEM file.
If --ca-certificate-fingerprint
is also specified, both --ca-certificate-file
and --ca-certificate
are ignored.
If --ca-certificate
is also specified but --ca-certificate-fingerprint
is not, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -f
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate-file <path>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate
or --ca-certificate-file
is specified
Specify the fingerprint of a CA certificate.
If --ca-certificate
, --ca-certificate-file
, or both are also specified, they are ignored.
Alias: --fp
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate-fingerprint <fingerprint>
The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set
command sets the client CA certificates for a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate <value>
Alias: s
When updating CA certificates, it's important to follow a rollover process. Doing so enables your Namespace to serve both CA certificates for a period of time until traffic to your old CA certificate ceases.
Create a single file that contains both your old and new CA certificate PEM blocks. Just concatenate the PEM blocks on adjacent lines.
... old CA cert ...
... new CA cert ...
-----END CERTIFICATE-----Run the
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set
command with the CA certificate bundle file.tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate-file <path>
Monitor traffic to your old certificate until it ceases.
Create another file that contains only the new CA certificate.
Run the
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set
command again with the updated CA certificate bundle file.
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --namespace <namespace_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --request-id <request_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --resource-version <etag> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-file
is specified
Specify a base64-encoded string of a CA certificate PEM file.
If both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are specified, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -c
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>
Required modifier unless --ca-certificate
is specified
Specify a path to a CA certificate PEM file.
If both --ca-certificate
and --ca-certificate-file
are specified, only --ca-certificate
is used.
Alias: -f
tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate-file <path>
The tcld namespace certificate-filters
commands manage optional certificate filters for the specified NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud. The Namespace can use certificate filters to authorize client certificates based on distinguished name (DN) fields.
Alias: cf
- tcld namespace certificate-filters import
tcld namespace certificate-filters import
How to set certificate filters for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace certificate-filters export
tcld namespace certificate-filters export
How to export certificate filters from a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace certificate-filters clear
tcld namespace certificate-filters clear
How to clear all certificate filters from a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more
The tcld namespace certificates-filter add
command adds additional certificate filters to the Namespace of a Temporal Cloud account.
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace certificate-filters add --namespace <namespace_id> --certificate-filter-file <file>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace certificate-filters add --request-id <request_id> --certificate-filter-file <file>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace certificate-filters add --resource-version <etag> --certificate-filter-file <file>
Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-value
is specified.
Specify a path to a JSON file defining the certificate filters for the Namespace.
Aliases: -f
, --file
tcld namespace certificate-filters add --certificate-filter-file <file>
Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-file
is specified.
The certificate filters, in JSON, that will be added to the Namespace.
Aliases: -i
, --input
tcld namespace certificate-filters add --certificate-filter-input <JSON>
The tcld namespace certificate-filters clear
command clears all certificate filters from a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
Using this command allows any client certificate that chains up to a configured CA certificate to connect to the Namespace.
tcld namespace certificate-filters clear
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace certificate-filters clear --namespace <namespace_id>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace certificate-filters clear --request-id <request_id>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace certificate-filters clear --resource-version <etag>
The tcld namespace certificate-filters export
command exports existing certificate filters from a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace certificate-filters export --certificate-filter-file <path>
Alias: exp
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a path to a JSON file where tcld can export the certificate filters.
Aliases: --file
, -f
tcld namespace certificate-filters export --certificate-filter-file <path>
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --namespace <namespace_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --request-id <request_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --resource-version <etag> --certificate-filter-input <json>
The tcld namespace certificate-filters import
command sets certificate filters for a NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --certificate-filter-file <path>
Alias: imp
A certificate filter can include any combination (and at least one) of the following:
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-input
is specified
Specify a path to a JSON file that defines certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace, such as { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }
. The specified filters replace any existing filters.
If both --certificate-filter-file
and --certificate-filter-input
are specified, the command returns an error.
Aliases: --file
, -f
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --certificate-filter-file <path>
Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-file
is specified
Specify a JSON string that defines certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace, such as { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }
. The specified filters replace any existing filters.
If both --certificate-filter-input
and --certificate-filter-file
are specified, the command returns an error.
Aliases: --input
, -i
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --certificate-filter-input <json>
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --namespace <namespace_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --request-id <request_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace certificate-filters import --resource-version <etag> --certificate-filter-input <json>
The tcld namespace search-attributes
commands manage Search AttributesWhat is a Search Attribute?
A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.
Learn more of the specified NamespaceWhat is a Namespace?
A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: sa
- tcld namespace search-attributes add
tcld namespace search-attributes add
How to add custom Search Attributes to a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace search-attributes rename
tcld namespace search-attributes rename
How to rename an existing custom Search Attribute in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more
The tcld namespace search-attributes add
command adds custom Search AttributesWhat is a Search Attribute?
A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.
Learn more to a Namespace in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace search-attributes add --search-attribute <value>
Alias: a
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace search-attributes add --namespace <namespace_id> --search-attribute <value>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace search-attributes add --request-id <request_id> --search-attribute <value>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace search-attributes add --resource-version <etag> --search-attribute <value>
Required modifier; can be specified more than once
Specify a custom Search Attribute in the form "name=type". Valid values for type are as follows:
- Bool
- Datetime
- Double
- Int
- Keyword
- Text
Alias: --sa
tcld namespace search-attributes add --search-attribute "YourSearchAttribute1=Text" --search-attribute "YourSearchAttribute2=Double"
The tcld namespace search-attributes rename
command renames a custom Search AttributeWhat is a Search Attribute?
A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.
Learn more in Temporal Cloud.
tcld namespace search-attributes rename --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace search-attributes rename --namespace <namespace_id> --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>
Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.
Alias: -r
tcld namespace search-attributes rename --request-id <request_id> --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>
Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.
Alias: -v
tcld namespace search-attributes rename --resource-version <etag> --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>
Required modifier
Specify the name of an existing Search Attribute.
Alias: --en
tcld namespace search-attributes rename --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>
Required modifier
Specify a new name for the Search Attribute.
Alias: --nn
tcld namespace search-attributes rename --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>
The tcld namespace retention
commands manage the length of time (in days) a closed Workflow is preserved before deletion for a given Namespace in Temporal Cloud.
Alias: r
- tcld namespace retention get
tcld namespace retention get
How to retrieve the length of time a closed Workflows will be preserved before deletion for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more - tcld namespace retention set
tcld namespace retention set
How to set the length of time a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion for a Namespace in Temporal Cloud using tcld.
Learn more
Retrieve the length of time (in days) a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion for the specified Namespace.
Alias: g
The following modifier controls the behavior of the command.
Required modifier
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace retention get --namespace <namespace_id>
Set the length of time (in days) a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion for the specified Namespace.
Alias: s
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Required modifier
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
Required modifier
Specify the number of days a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion.
Alias: --rd
tcld namespace retention set --namespace <namespace_id> --retention-days <retention_days>
The tcld namespace update-codec-server
command updates the configuration of a codec server for Temporal Cloud, which allows payloads to be decodec through a remote endpoint.
Alias: ucs
The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.
Required modifier.
Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.
Alias: -n
tcld namespace update-codec-server --namespace <namespace_id> --endpoint <http_url>
Required modifier.
Specify an endpoint to decode payloads for all users interacting with this Namespace. Endpoints must be valid https URLs.
Alias: -e
tcld namespace update-codec-server --namespace <namespace_id> --endpoint <https_url>
Enables a user access token to be passed with the remote endpoint.
This is set to false
by default.
Alias: --pat
tcld namespace update-codec-server --namespace <namespace_id> --endpoint <https_url> --pass-access-token <bool>
Enables the inclusion of cross-origin credentials.
This is set to false
by default.
Alias: --ic
tcld namespace update-codec-server --namespace <namespace_id> --endpoint <https_url> --include-credentials true