Temporal Web UI
The Temporal Web UI provides users with Workflow Execution state and metadata for debugging purposes.
It ships with every Temporal CLIWhat is the Temporal CLI?
The Temporal CLI is the most recent version of Temporal's command-line tool.
Learn more release and Docker Compose update and is available with Temporal Cloud.
You can configure the Temporal Web UI to work in your own environment.
See the UI configuration referenceTemporal Web UI configuration reference
The Temporal Web UI Server uses a configuration file for many of the UI's settings.
Learn more.
Web UI open source repos:
The Web UI is packed with several features.
All Namespaces in your self-hosted Cluster or Temporal Cloud account are listed under Namespaces in the left section of the window. You can also switch Namespaces from the Workflows view by selecting from the Namespace switcher at the top right corner of the window. After you select a Namespace, the Web UI shows the Recent Workflows page for that Namespace. In Temporal Cloud, users can access only the Namespaces that they have been granted access to. For details, see Namespace-level permissions.
Recent Workflows
Recent Workflows lists all Workflow Executions run in the past 24 hours. The default number shown is 1,000 Workflow Executions.
Users can list Workflow Executions by any of the following:
- Status
- Workflow ID
What is a Workflow Id?
A Workflow Id is a customizable, application-level identifier for a Workflow Execution that is unique to an Open Workflow Execution within a Namespace.
Learn more - Workflow Type
What is a Workflow Type?
A Workflow Type is a name that maps to a Workflow Definition.
Learn more - Start time
- End time
- A List Filter
What is a List Filter?
A List Filter is the SQL-like string that is provided as the parameter to an advanced Visibility List API.
Learn more
For start time and end time, users can set their preferred date and time format as one of the following:
- Local
- Relative
Select a Workflow Execution to view the Workflow Execution's History, Workers, and pending Activities.
This is a view of the EventsWhat is an Event?
Events are created by the Temporal Cluster in response to external occurrences and Commands generated by a Workflow Execution.
Learn more and Event fields within the Workflow Execution.
Approximately 40 different EventsEvents reference
Events are created by the Temporal Cluster in response to external occurrences and Commands generated by a Workflow Execution.
Learn more can appear in a Workflow Execution's Event History.
The top of the page lists the following execution metadata:
- Workflow Type
What is a Workflow Type?
A Workflow Type is a name that maps to a Workflow Definition.
Learn more - Run ID
What is a Run Id?
A Run Id is a globally unique, platform-level identifier for a Workflow Execution.
Learn more - Start Time and Close Time
- Task Queue
What is a Task Queue?
A Task Queue is a first-in, first-out queue that a Worker Process polls for Tasks.
Learn more - Parent and Parent ID
- State Transitions
What is a State Transition?
A State Transition is a unit of progress by a Workflow Execution.
Learn more
The Input and Results section displays the function arguments and return values for debugging purposes. Results are not available until the Workflow finishes.
The Recent Events tab has the following views:
- Timeline: A chronological or reverse-chronological order of events with a summary. Clicking into an Event displays all details for that Event. Clicking “Expand all” displays all Event details. Similarly, clicking “Collapse all” collapses the table and displays only the summary.
- Compact: A logical grouping of Activities, Signals and Timers.
- JSON: The full JSON code for the workflow.
Download Event History
The entire Workflow Execution Event History, in JSON format, can be downloaded from this section.
Terminate Workflow
Workflow Executions can be Terminated directly from the UI. A custom note can be logged from the UI when that happens.
Displays the Workers currently polling on the Workflow Task Queue with a count. If no Workers are polling, an error displays.
Pending Activities
Displays a summary of recently active and/or pending Activity Executions. Clicking a pending Activity directs the user to the Pending Activities tab to view details.
Stack Trace
The screen shows the captured result from the __stack_trace Query. The Query is performed when the tab is selected. It works only if a Worker is running and available to return the stack trace.
Lists all Queries sent to the Workflow Execution.
On Temporal Cloud and self-hosted Temporal Cluster Web UI, the Schedules page lists all the Schedules created on the selected Namespace.
Click a Schedule to see details, such as configured frequency, start and end times, and recent and upcoming runs.
On Temporal Cloud, Settings is visible only to Global Admins.
Click Settings to see and manage the list of users in your account and to set up integrations such as Observability and Audit logging.
On self-hosted Temporal Clusters, manage your users, metrics, and logging in your server configurationTemporal Cluster configuration reference
Much of the behavior of a Temporal Cluster is configured using the development.yaml
Learn more.
On self-hosted Temporal Clusters, Archive shows ArchivedWhat is Archival?
Archival is a feature that automatically backs up Event Histories from Temporal Cluster persistence to a custom blob store after the Closed Workflow Execution retention period is reached.
Learn more data of your Workflow Executions on the Namespace.
To see data in your self-hosted Temporal Cluster, you must have Archival set up and configured.
For information and details on the Archive feature in Temporal Cloud, contact your Temporal representative.
Codec Server
The Web UI can use a Codec Server with a custom Data Converter to decode inputs and return values.
For details, see Securing your data.
The UI supports both a Codec Server endpoint and the tctl
plugin port.
For details on setting the Codec Server endpoint, see Codec Server setup.